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■ Sexual violence trial (vs. Takayuki Yamaguchi)

[Court summary]

On April 3, 2015, Shiori Ito asked Yamaguchi Noriyuki for a job introduction and ate at sushi restaurants in Tokyo. In a hotel room, while drunk and unconscious, she was sexually assaulted by Yamaguchi. The lawsuit was filed on September 28, 2017, seeking 11 million yen in damages from Yamaguchi for mental distress caused by unwanted sexual acts. On December 18, 2019, Ito won the case at the Tokyo District Court. Yamaguchi argued that she had "invited him," but the court acknowledged that Ito had immediately reported the incident to acquaintances, the police, and the hospital. On January 25, 2022, the Tokyo High Court ruled that Yamaguchi's claims were "unreliable," and Ito won the main lawsuit in the second trial. On the other hand, the court ordered Yamaguchi to pay 550,000 yen in damages for Yamaguchi's counterclaim, stating in her book and other documents that she "believed she was drugged (date rape drug)." This was not recognized as true.
Full text of the opinion statement
Summary of the ruling

Comments from the defense team

[Background to this event]

April 3, 2015: After dining with former TBS employee Noriyuki Yamaguchi in Ebisu, she was sexually assaulted at a hotel in Minato Ward.

April 2015: A complaint was filed with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department against Yamaguchi on suspicion of attempted rape.

July 2016: The Tokyo District Court decided not to indict due to insufficient evidence

Featured in "Weekly Shincho" on May 18, 2017

May 29, 2017: Petition for review filed with the Inspection Review Board, held a press conference at the Judicial Press Club

September 22, 2017: The Tokyo 6th Inquest Board of Public Prosecutors ruled that the case was "equivalent to non-prosecution" since there was no reason to overturn the decision.

September 28, 2017: Sues Mr. Yamaguchi for 11 million yen in damages for "inflicting mental distress on her due to unwanted sexual acts"

File a civil lawsuit seeking

October 18, 2017 “Black Box” published

October 24, 2017 Press Conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan

February 2019: Yamaguchi filed a countersuit against Ito, seeking 130 million yen in compensation and the publication of an apology advertisement.

July 8, 2019: Examination of the plaintiff and defendant

October 7, 2019: Conclusion

December 18, 2019: Tokyo District Court verdict: Ito wins case

January 2020: Yamaguchi appeals

September 21, 2021: First oral argument of the appeal trial (Conclusion, Shiori Ito's statement of opinion)

January 25, 2022: Tokyo High Court ruling: Ito wins the main lawsuit and partially accepts the counterclaim

January 2022: Both parties appeal

July 7, 2022: Supreme Court decision: Both appeals dismissed

August 31, 2022: Both sides will pay damages

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